You Might Be Obsessed With Christmas If…
You Might Be Obsessed With Christmas If…
1. You wake up every morning singing Christmas carols
2. You name your kids Noel, Holly, or after one of Santa’s reindeer
3. You plan for Christmas 24/7/365
4. You go to Hobby Lobby in August just to browse the Christmas items
5. Your bucket list includes spending Christmas Eve in the North Pole or Bethlehem
6. You dream of ways to make it easier for Santa Claus to deliver
7. You check the skies on Christmas Eve, regardless of your age
8. You never turn down a chance to celebrate Christmas in July
9. You know what Santa is called in Morocco without having to Google it
10. Your nickname is Santa
11. You ask your friends if they would take a bath in eggnog
12. You’ve taken a bath in eggnog
13. You’ve written your own version of The Twelve Days of Christmas
14. You watch the Macy’s Day parade just for the special guest at the end
15. You record the Macy’s Day parade to see him appear again and again and again
16. Whenever someone says Santa you scream, “I know him!”
17. You dress up as Santa for Halloween
18. You detest bad covers of Christmas songs
19. You know the difference between Christmas songs and Christmas carols
20. You celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
21. You know the ingredients for wassail
22. You have Christmas tattoos and love to show them off
23. You wouldn’t mind working at Santa’s workshop
24. You’ve been a part of a Christmas miracle
25. You are convinced that it’s a wonderful life
26. Your favorite colors are red, green, and sometimes white
27. You cry when it isn’t a white Christmas even though you live in a tropical climate
28. When you say bah humbug, no one believes you
29. You don’t understand why people won’t talk about Christmas outside of December
30. Your children think Christmas lasts all year long
31. You would rather starve to death than eat reindeer
32. You brush your teeth with a candy cane
33. You have an opinion on who played the best Scrooge
34. You know who King Moonracer is
35. Your will insists that you be buried at a Christmas tree farm
36. You still write hand-written Christmas cards and expect to receive them
37. You follow Christmas pages all year long
38. You’ve created a Christmas page
39. You know what frankincense and myrrh are
40. Jules Bass is your favorite voice actor
41. You know how to throw the best Christmas party
42. The mention of Tiny Tim makes you cry
43. You put antlers and a red nose on your car
44. You read your Christmas list loudly to your husband or wife’s phone
45. You will never forget Linus’s speech
46. You drive around town to look at Christmas lights
47. You’re convinced that a 12 foot, fully decorate Christmas tree is “a modest gesture”
48. Your husband or wife can never escape the mistletoe
49. You wonder how the ox and lamb were able to keep time
50. You have an opinion as to whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie
51. You know why Santa wears red and white
52. You long for snow on Christmas Eve but detest it on all other days
53. You don’t think ugly Christmas sweaters are ugly
54. You wear Christmas pajamas all year long
55. You eat dinner on Christmas Eve out of a manger
56. Visions of sugar plums have danced in your head
57. You know what the miracle of 34th street was
58. You love it when the Christmas lights are the only lights in the room!
59. You buy Christmas gifts all year long and never lose track of them
60. You write Santa every year
61. Your Christmas stocking could be used as a sleeping bag
62. You are convinced that there was some magic in that old silk hat they found
63. You’ve Googled Parson Brown
64. You wonder why they’re okay with the other kids knocking down the snowman
65. You know which countries celebrate Christmas in July
66. You moved to the Philippines just because they start celebrating Christmas in September
67. You’re still mad at the Bumpuss’s dogs
68. You’ve never gotten a lump of coal for Christmas
69. You hum a few bars from Transiberian Orchestra whenever you’re excited
70. You wanted Hermey to be your dentist
71. You wear Christmas stockings as regular socks
72. You dream about the Christmas episodes of your favorite TV shows
73. You refer to Wallace and Davis as old Army buddies
74. You drink Christmas tea with every meal and you don’t like the taste of it
75. You know the second verse of Jingle Bells
76. You build a snowman every December, even if it doesn’t snow
77. You’ve never missed a Christmas Eve church service
78. You dream home has at least three Christmas trees
79. Your outdoor Christmas lights can be used as a lighthouse
80. You’ve heard Bob Rivers’ Christmas songs
81. You wonder which reindeer ran over grandma
82. You’ve designed your own Christmas theme park
83. You genuinely look forward to fruitcake
84. You’re concerned about snow, fog, and wind at the North Pole, but only on Christmas Eve
85. You’ve called the North Pole on Christmas to make sure that Santa “made it home okay”
86. King Wenceslaus is the only politician you respect
87. You’ve sided with Snowmiser or Heatmiser
88. You own a leg lamp and know that it’s a major award
89. Your office cubicle looks like a gingerbread house
90. You know exactly how long it took the Magi to visit Jesus
91. You make Christmas memes all year
92. You’ve already planned how you’ll decorate for Christmas this year, and the year after this one
93. Your co-workers hope you’ll be their Secret Santa
94. You never stop caroling until you get some figgy pudding
95. You know which version of ‘Carol of the Bells’ is best and are surprised that it isn’t obvious
96. You moved to Christmas Island
97. You’re convinced that Rudolph really did go down in history
98. You wrapped yourself as a present, on your wedding night
99. You made it to the end of this list…