A suggestion was made that, I am not generating enough content online in order to be taken seriously as a writer. How can you become a professional writer someday if, you aren’t writing? This point was brought up by someone I trust so, I created this blog. Here we go.
I do not know where this blog will go. Anything is possible. But what I do know is that I am on a journey toward being a professional writer; toward my dream job. Do you want to go with me?
My goals as a writer include getting my fantasy novel polished and published and hopefully to that end, making enough money to pay my bills, or to get noticed by someone else that will pay me to write. No small task to be sure, but one that I am willing to pursue.
Aside from my book I’ve also written satire and plays. Writing is one of my natural talents, how could I not pursue some sort of future in writing?
However, the satire I was writing has come to an end (although it can still be found, if anyone is interested). And a writer who does not write is well, nothing. So here I am, writing again.
Do you want to come along with me as I continue to write?